An effective manager must value contribution

An effective manager must value contribution and know how to combine their work with long-term goals. He often asks himself: “What contribution can I make to the performance and results of the organization I serve?” He emphasized responsibility.

Emphasizing contributions is the key to effectiveness. The so-called effectiveness is manifested in the following three aspects: (1) one’s own work, including work content, work level and its influence; (2) one’s own relationship with others, including to superiors, colleagues and subordinates; (3) The use of various management tools, such as meetings or reports.

But most managers can’t do this. They value hard work, but ignore results. What they worry about is whether the organizations and bosses  have treated them badly, and whether they should do something for them. They complain that they have no authority, and the result is that they do nothing.

If a person only knows to bury his head and work hard, if he always emphasizes his own authority, no matter how high his position is, he can only be regarded as someone else’s “subordinate”. On the other hand, a person who values ​​contributions and a person who is responsible for results, even if he is in a humble position, should be regarded as a “senior manager” because he can be responsible for the operating performance of the entire organization.