The history of the safes (VI)

Chubb first made only locks, and later entered the safe manufacturing industry. Early European safe manufacturers such as Price, Tann, Hobs, and Bramah all developed in the lock and safe industry at the same time (Bramah is recognized as the world’s first lock-making company) and achieved a lot. But before the end of the 19th century, all kinds of safes even the most expensive and highest security technology safes still mainly use key locks, and almost all of them are opened and closed with keys directly manipulating single or multiple bolts, requiring larger keys and keyholes, but then they are easily attacked from the lock holes. Safes can be easily pried open with a wedge or lever. After the repeated “tests” by thieves, the industry emerged with small-hole blast-resistant blade locks, and after the Cornhill Robbery, each of these companies revolutionized their safe locks in various ways.

At the end of the 19th century, the European use of Swiss watch and clock technology, the development of the turntable combination lock, safe locks have a new breakthrough in the development of mechanical keyless era; subsequently, the Americans through the purchase of patents, imitation and other means to get the technology, and S & G (Sargent & Greenleaf) company and La Gard (the 20th century, the 1970s and 1980s) company to carry forward the early 20th century, S & G and La Gard’s code disk lock has become popular worldwide, almost all the famous safe manufacturers have chosen their locks.

One event is worth mentioning: in the early 1940s, Amsec was established in the United States, and after the rapid and steady development after the war, Amsec has achieved a leading position in the world, and its product catalog is known as the “safe bible”, and even the UL fire and burglary standards are based on the company’s corporate standards. The history of the development of safes is also the history of the competition between manufacturers and robbers, thus deriving different levels of security, from common household tools all the way to high explosives. Anti-theft safes have gone through the course of wood + iron hoops → cast iron + rivets → steel plate + anti-drilling hard steel → plate + concrete → multiple steel plates + composite materials.