Hiding safes in the closet is great!

Hiding safes in the closet is great!

Usually, our closet in addition to putting ordinary things, but also wants to put some valuables, safe can be installed in the closet according to demand so that the valuable personal items in the closet have security.

It is recommended to choose a lightweight safe, generally, such a safe has two holes in the back, preferably with expansion screws locked in the wall. To install it, open the safe door and install the expansion screws through the holes. According to the product description, each screw can withstand 400 kg of force, only greater than 800 kg of force to pull the screw off. It can be hidden and installed in the corner of the closet, with expansion screws to tighten the closet and safe nailed to the wall, hanging clothes outside, both beautiful and safe and not easy to be found.