A little thinking about climate change from Dingfa Safe

When I saw the news about the impact of climate change on animals early in the morning, I felt so sad: African elephants consume hundreds of liters of water per day-but droughts have become more common with climate change, threatening this iconic species’ existence. In 2009, a drought in Zimbabwe resulted in over 200 elephant deads; Climate change is turning sea turtle population female. The temperature of the sand incubating sea turtle eggs determines the sex of the offspring. A recent study in Raine Island, Australia, found that 99% of sea turtles were female in this area as a result of global warming; Analysis shows that bee populations have declined by a third since the 1970s in some crops could fail, dangerously reducing food for humans and countless other species.

I wonder if we should do something to minimize the impact of climate change and work together to protect our home planet, for example:

1. Using different methods of transport, e.g walking or cycling.

In our Dingfa Safe, we encourage our employees to travel green, take walking to and from work as far as possible, home is far away; try to take the bus, bicycle or electric bike to and from work.

2. Exploring alternative diets, such as plant-based.

Eating more plant protein foods as well as fiber-rich foods is not only good for your health but also can significantly reduce the impact on the environment and reduce carbon emissions.

3. Reducing food waste-this will lead to less methane emissions.

Whatever the food, adhere to the principle of taking what you need, regardless of the cost, should not be wasted, and it is not advisable to throw away what you can’t eat.

4. Reusing, repairing and recycling.

Try to buy and use products made of recyclable and biodegradable materials, as long as they can be used and meet the requirements, do not buy new ones, maximize the use of material value, such as our safes and gun safes, put them in the right place, avoid direct sunlight and too humid and dry environment, usually keep the surface clean, avoid heavy objects hitting the surface, fix the bad and continue to use, try to extend the product use life. All of these are our contribution to the continuous improvement of climate change.