Pick a safe, first determine what you want to put in it

Pick a safe, first determine what you want to put in it

Now many people who buy safes will encounter confusion: the market safe brands, a variety of features, this said my invincible latch, that said I have a remote alarm, the crowd said the wind, it is difficult to distinguish.

In fact, the purchase of the safe only needs to grasp its core function: safety and fire performance, this is the most critical. Of course, the fire level of the safe is also distinguished, so we must first confirm before buying what they want to put in the safe? What valuable things to put? How many valuable things to put? Figure out if you are buying a reliable box to put what you think is important. So start by organizing everything that is important in your home and needs to be locked away. Look at the list of items you have organized and you will know what kind of safe you need.

Because the general family will put all kinds of documents in the safe, including real estate certificates, land certificates, these two documents are the most important, once lost it is difficult to replace. Then there are passports and passes, these two documents generally have a life span, so they have to be well preserved. Then there is the account book, which was all need to use. There are also all kinds of certificates, from elementary school to university, and after work to take all kinds of certificates, which record the individual’s learning and working experience. In addition to documents, people also like to put all kinds of gifts and jewelry in the safe, as well as personal collectibles, such as stamps and coins, and other collectible things.

These are the need for fireproof technically sound safes to safe storage, so you know how to choose a safe?