Is there an unlocked gun where your child plays?

Is there an unlocked gun where your child plays?

A child’s discovery of a gun can change lives forever in just a short period of time, make sure you are aware of any unlocked firearms in areas where your child plays.

It’s especially important to make sure guns are stored safely when school is out and kids are spending more time at home. This means keeping them locked and unloaded and storing ammunition separately in a gun safe.

About one-third of households with children have firearms, many of which are not locked or loaded. It’s not enough to talk to children about the dangers of firearms. Children are naturally curious. If someone has a gun in their home, there is a good chance that a child will find it and play with it. Countless tragedies have occurred because children have found guns that their parents thought were well hidden or safe.

It is recommended that you store your gun in a gun safe, which is by far the safest practice.