5 points about gun safety in your home

5 points about gun safety in your home

1. Always keep the muzzle of your firearm pointed in a safe direction. A “safe direction” means that the muzzle of the gun is pointed in such a way that
not cause injury even if an accidental discharge occurs.

2. always keep your finger off the trigger until you actually intend to fire the gun.

3. Firearms should be unloaded when not in actual use. Whenever you pick up your gun, such as when taking it out of storage or putting it back in storage, remember to point it in a safe direction and make sure it is unloaded.

4. Make sure you know how your firearm operates: read the manual for your firearm, know how to safely open and close the action of your firearm, and know how to use your firearm. Know how to safely open and close the action of your firearm and know how to safely remove any ammunition from the firearm and magazine.

5. When not in use, store your gun in a locked cabinet, gun safe, gun vault, or storage box and make sure they are located in a way that ensures the gun is out of reach of children and cannot be handled by anyone without your permission.