Principles for selecting China safes/gun safe suppliers

Principles for selecting China safes/gun safe suppliers

The basic guideline for supplier development is the “Q.C.D.S” principle, which means that quality, cost, delivery, and service are of equal importance.

Of these four, quality is the most important factor, first to confirm whether the supplier has established a stable and effective quality assurance system, and then to confirm whether the supplier has the equipment and process capability to produce the specific products required.

Next is cost and price, to apply the value engineering approach to cost analysis of the products involved and to achieve cost savings through win-win price negotiations.

In terms of delivery, it is important to determine whether the supplier has sufficient production capacity, adequate human resources, and the potential to expand capacity.

The last point, and very important, is the supplier’s record of pre-sales, in-sales, and after-sales service.