Why is it said that the safe surface treatment process, the fire hazard of painting is higher than that of the powder spraying process?

Why is it said that the safe surface treatment process, the fire hazard of painting is higher than that of the powder spraying process?

We say that the fire hazard of the spray paint process is higher than that of the plastic spray process, based on the following 3 reasons:

1. because the paint contains volatile organic solvents, once it comes into contact with open flames (sparks, sparks), it is easy to cause combustion and explosion, and the composition of powder coatings does not contain organic solvents, so the risk is lower than spray painting process;

2. The second is that the ignition point, flash point, and ignition energy of paint are lower than powder coatings, and the combustion and spreading speed is faster than powder coatings;

3. Finally, when the common air spraying method is used to paint the workpiece, the ventilation equipment, the construction environment, and the operating procedures are inferior to the spraying process, so the risk of fire in the former is higher than the latter.