Types of Hidden Safes

Wall Safes: Concealed within the walls of a building, wall safes offer a discreet storage solution. They can be installed during construction or retrofitted into existing walls, providing a secure compartment for valuables while maintaining the appearance of a regular wall.

Furniture Safes: Designed to resemble everyday furniture pieces such as cabinets, shelves, or drawers, these safes blend seamlessly into the living space. By incorporating hidden compartments or compartments with false bottoms, they provide a practical and inconspicuous storage option.

Floor Safes: Embedded within the floor structure, floor safes remain concealed beneath a rug or furniture. This type of safe is particularly suitable for securing large or bulky items that require additional space.
Book Safes: Disguised as ordinary books, these safes provide a discreet storage option for small valuables or documents. They seamlessly blend with a bookshelf, making them inconspicuous and unlikely to draw attention.
Diversion Safes: These safes take advantage of everyday objects to hide valuables. Common examples include soda cans, cleaning product containers, or even fake electrical outlets. Diversion safes utilize the concept of “hiding in plain sight,” making them highly effective in deceiving potential intruders.